Tuesday, 18 May 2010

In the wars

Hi folks,

Sorry for not posting for a few days. Both Maisie and I have been in the wars over the weekend. I decided to give our garage a long awaited and much needed sort out. It took me all day on Saturday but I was eager to get it done and finished. The weather was lovely so I put everything outside on the patio, tidied, sorted and then put most of it back. It looks great but did I suffer. I woke up on Sunday morning and could not move for the pain in my back so spent all day in my pyjamas either in bed or on the sofa. Colin decided to take Maisie to the beach for a walk. What is it with men? There always has to be a drama involved!! As he was trying to put her lead he stood on the end of Maisie's tail. Don't ask me how but he did, resulting in one bloody & sore tail. Poor Maisie. Her tail is as long as she is tall but you would think Colin would be used to it by now.

My card for today is a teabag fold card using Chris's Little dittzies. I love her teabag squares - you are always able to create a lovely effect.

have a good day.




  1. Did you find anything nice in your clearout? Hope Maisie has forgiven that nasty man standing on her tail!!! LOL
    Love the card, I love tea-bag folding but don't do it very often.
    Hugs Vanessa

  2. Poor Maisie and you Lynda. Take it easy.

  3. Love all your cards, sorry about Maisie's tail and you and your back.Know for a week of to you both kneed some T.L.C.

  4. What is it about having a good clear out??? Hope you're feeling better Lynda, you've got a long journey on Thursday I hear. Have a fun weekend.
    LOL Bxxx

  5. Feeling much better now thanks and so is Maisie. Her tail has recovered so Colin is no longer in the dog house! Off to see Chris on Thursday so yes Brenda, it's a long drive.

    Love, Lynda

  6. Well done on the clear out. The card is lovely. Ahhhhhhhhh poor Maisie so glad her tail is better. Take care on your long drive and pass on our love to chris.

    Anne x
