Saturday 25 September 2010

I am an Iris folder!!!

Where have I been I hear you asking. I've been busy prepping for TV shows and making lots of samples so apologies for my lack of blogging LOL.

I've been asked to do a TV show (Thursday 9.00am 30th September on Create & Craft) demonstrating an Iris folding kit. I've never done Iris folding before but was willing to give it a go so here is my very first attempt at it!! Not bad methinks. I have to say I'm now a convert. The kit features Burlesque ladies and as usual I've done something different with them so I hope you will watch and enjoy.


  1. Nice job Lynda will try and remember to record your show.

  2. Its been great watching you on create and craft although i wish they would shut up yaking and let you do your lovely demos

    Anne x
